The Nursing Journal of India
Nursing Journal of India (NJI) is the one of the world’s oldest journal regularly published with a legacy of more than 100 years.

Musculoskeletal pain among school aged children is a well-known concern as acknowledged by WHO. Many children are not involved in regular physical activities, and spend more time on screen without maintaining normal posture. Assessment of posture and creating awareness among children is very important to reduce the disorders musculoskeletal symptoms. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of ergonomic health promotion programme (EHPP) on postural health among school children in selected schools of Chennai (TN). A quasi-experimental design was used, and samples for the study were selected using total enumeration and consecutive sampling technique. The tools used in this study were background variables of school children and their parents, Standardised Nordic Body Map Questionnaire (SNBMQ), self-structured questionnaire, ergonomic awareness test questionnaire. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (paired and unpaired test, correlation and association). The study has given some suggestions and educational implications on postural health of students studying in elementary schools. Majority of the school children (65%) had musculoskeletal problems. Majority of children followed acceptable posture, were relieved from musculoskeletal symptoms, 65 percent had adequate knowledge, 35 percent had moderately adequate knowledge on ergonomics in experimental group of school children. The study revealed that EHPP benefits in not only reducing the musculoskeletal symptoms, but also increases the exercise frequency, academic performance, and improves knowledge of lessening the musculoskeletal symptoms among school children.

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