The Nursing Journal of India - Peer Review

Peer review is the process in which members of the NJI ' s peer review committee, those who are experts in the relevant field, evaluate and assess articles, materials, or manuscripts submitted by authors.

Peer review enhances the quality of authors' manuscripts, uncovers any overlooked gaps in their work, and ensures that only high-quality submissions are published, thereby expanding their reach within the scientific community.

The National Executive Committee of Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) selects the peer reviewers for a four-year term. Currently, the board comprises 18 peer reviewers from various nursing specialties across the country. All research articles submitted to the NJI undergo an initial screening process and plagiarism check using the CFP Plag Checker, manuscripts considered provisionally suitable are forwarded to NJI's peer reviewers, adhering to double-blind peer review process.

NJI has guidelines for peer reviewing process, each article is given a unique number based on the speciality (eg., Med.Surg.Nsg followed by the running number) hiding the authors identity and it is been sent to a minimum of three (3) peer reviewers based on the speciality. They are requested to submitted their review comments within 2 to 3 weeks. Once we receive the comments from all the peer reviewers the comments are summarized and authors receive feedback regarding the necessary modifications.

Once the authors make the required changes, the articles are considered for publication in the NJI. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially by editorial board members, members of the internal scientific committee, and reviewers.

The editor in chief is responsible for the final decision regarding if the manuscript is accepted or rejected. Major advantage of peer review system is that it provides contributors with the opportunity to have their work evaluated by their peers at no charge, enabling them to determine whether it meets the necessary standards.
