The Nursing Journal of India - Publication Ethics
PUBLICATION ETHICS based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's) Best Practice Guidelines.

The content reported in the research articles must be conducted with the highest standards of ethical integrity and responsibility. Authors are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines, avoiding any form of scientific misconduct or violations of publishing ethics.

Proper authorship and acknowledgment should be granted in accordance with each contributor's significant role in the research process. Authors must ensure that only those who have made substantial contributions to the research or the publication are listed as authors. Individuals who have made lesser contributions may be acknowledged but should not be credited as authors.

Authors must disclose any direct or indirect conflicts of interest with editors, members of the editorial board, or the international scientific committee to the journal.

If authors wish to reproduce their article in other publications or use it for any other purpose, they must obtain written permission from the editorial board. Additionally, authors are expected to engage fully in the peer review process and comply with the relevant publication conventions for all submitted materials.

Publication decision

This journal follows a double-blind review process. Initially, the editor assesses all submissions and independently determines whether an article aligns with the journal's editorial goals. Suitable papers are then sent to three expert peer reviewers for evaluation. The editor makes the final decision on acceptance or rejection.

Conflict of interest

Editorial board members and reviewers must refrain themselves from editorial decisions if they have conflicts of interest or relationships that could compromise their objectivity as well from evaluating a manuscript if they have any conflict of interest related to the author(s) or the content of the submission. The final publication decision will be made by an editor without any conflicts of interest.

Identifying and preventing misconduct

Editorial board members and the scientific committee play a key role in upholding ethical standards by educating authors and reviewers on the expected integrity in the research process. They, together with reviewers, must remain alert to research misconduct and take timely, appropriate action when allegations arise, ensuring that such issues are addressed with the necessary rigor.

Copyright, content originality and reproduction

Authors retain intellectual property and copyright over the original content of their scientific contributions. They must ensure the originality of their work and refrain from publishing material that violates ethical standards, including plagiarism or misleading claims, which are strictly prohibited.

No substantial part of the article should have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere. Authors may reproduce extracts from other works only with proper citation and explicit permission from the copyright holders, who should not unreasonably withhold consent. Citations must include the article title, journal, author(s), and publication details.

Confidentiality policy

The identities of authors, reviewers, and collaborators, along with their organizational and institutional affiliations, will be kept confidential by the journal. This information will not be used for any commercial or public purposes, except for inclusion in the signed articles published.

Guidelines to Authors, Editors and Peer reviewers based on existing Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's) Best Practice Guidelines.
