When patient is critically ill the function of removal of secretions may be compromised leading to excessive pulmonary secretions. Airway suction is one of the most popular methods of clearing airway secretion. This study aimed to assess effects of normal saline instillation on haemodynamic parameters and oxygen saturation before and after suctioning and to find out the association with demographic variable. Pre-experimental (one group pre-test post-test) study design was used; 52 patients were enrolled using convenient sampling from Intensive Care Units. Observation checklist was used to collect needed data on haemodynamic parameters and oxygen saturation before 5 min and after 5, 10 and 15 min of suctioning. As a part of intervention normal saline was instilled during suctioning. Paired t test values with regard to blood pressure (t=11.41), heart rate (t=1.50), systolic blood pressure (t=8.43) and respiratory rate (t=13.64) were found significant (p 0.05) after suctioning with normal saline. Repeated measures of analysis of variance F test suggest that there was significant difference in respiratory rate (F=10.98) and oxygen saturation (F=62.16) among patients was significant at level p 0.05. Chi-square test concluded that level of consciousness was found significant with level of heart rate and age was significant with systolic blood pressure at p-value 0.05. The study findings revealed that saline instillation should not be used as a routine clinical practice as it increases the heart rate, respiratory rate and systolic blood pressure also there was no change in oxygen saturation