MAY - JUNE 2024 - Volume CXV

Assessing the risk of Stroke among the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary care Hospital

Research Article

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Diabetes mellitus is a recognised independent risk factor for stroke as it contributes to the progression of atherothrombotic cerebrovascular lesions. Diabetic patients have a 1.5 to 3 times higher risk of stroke, especially cerebral infarction, than non-diabetic subjects. The study aimed to assess the level of risk on stroke among the patients with diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care hospital of South India. The study design was cross sectional descriptive research type. The study participants (n=196) were having diabetes type I or type II, above 18 years, with or without comorbidity who attended diabetic out-patient department of the hospital. National stroke association stroke risk score card was used to assess the level of risk on stroke; data was collected by face to face interview method. Majority of the diabetic patients had caution level of risk (n=166, 84.7%); 30 (15.3%) patients had high level of risk and none of the participants (0%) had low level of risk. The level of risk of stroke among the patients with diabetes mellitus mean and standard deviation was 13.87+2.288. The study showeds that diabetics had risk of getting stroke though not high risk. The patients following healthy life style can prevent stroke in future.

Keywords: Diabetes, Stroke, Risk factors of stroke