JULY - AUGUST 2024 - Volume CXV

Efficacy of a Hands-on Training osce Workshop on Advanced Nursing Skills at Institute of liver and Biliary Sciences, new Delhi, India

Research Article

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Nurses are expected to achieve a specific level of clinical competence upon completion of their nursing programme. While various methods, such as bedside practical examinations exist for assessing the competence, the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) stands out as the gold standard. It provides a comprehensive, reliable, and valid assessment by multiple examiners across different stations, evaluating various aspects of clinical competence. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of OSCE in enhancing advanced nursing skills among both nursing faculty and students. Using a one-group pre-test post-test research design with a quantitative approach, a convenient sampling method was employed. A structured questionnaire consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions was utilised to assess participants knowledge of OSCE on various advanced nursing skills stations. The oneday programmme encompassed theory and demonstrations of OSCE stations on selected procedures from gastroenterology, nephrology and oncology nursing. A paired sample t-test, revealed a significant increase in knowledge scores from pre-test to post-test (t=4.806, p = 0.000). To conclude, OSCE serves as an effective approach for teaching advanced nursing skills, highlighting the importance of sensitising and training nursing students, faculty, and clinical nurses in this methodology.

Keywords: OSCE, Clinical competence, Nursing skills